Thursday, September 10, 2009

The beginning of the end...

It's here.
Finally here.
The last year.
The last fall semester.
I've entered my final semester of classes before I begin student teaching.
Holy cow!

As I've begun my Block II classes, I've realized that I have such mixed feelings about student teaching that I, myself, can hardly keep up. Many moments are consumed with exuberant joy. While others...pure terror.

It's a roller coaster. Between worrying about crossing my t's and dotting my i's with pre-placement student teaching tasks and chugging along on class assignments, I often find myself with a glazed look in my eyes trying to feign attention throughout the day.

It is said that reflection is one of the most important things a first year teacher (not to mention student teacher) must do for improvement. I, myself, hope to be the very best teacher that I can absolutely be. How will I reach that point without constant improvement?

I (and Toni) had the idea to to start a blog to express frustrations/worries/joys/etc. and so forth about the process of student teaching and the semester leading up to it.

Just like a grade schooler, I'm giddy to tell whoever will listen all of the fun things I do in my classes. The interesting articles I stumble across. Ideas I have for activities. I don't expect everyone to get excited about these things, but I just feel the need to share.

Thaaaaaat is exactly what this blog is for. Sharing. Venting. Collaborating. Suggesting. Whatever my student teaching heart desires so you in return (my possible 5 viewers. Hi, mom.) can comment your heart's content.


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