Friday, September 11, 2009

Kids just say the darnest thing....

My first semester at Eastern I was required to observe so many hours in the classroom for one of my classes. I observed an art class at an elementary school. This was the greatest part of the class because I got to sit down and observe the animals in the wild.

I was shamelessly eavesdropping on a conversation at a table nearby. I noticed two kids were engaged in a heated conversation. I tuned in to find the source of the conflict. I heard the first hopelessly dorky boy who likely didn't have an athletic bone in his body and combated this by being a know-it-all say to another boy:
"No, I'm sure poison ivy plants have berries. There are poison ivy berries."
The second boy had to stand his ground to this kid so in reply all he had to say was:
"You're wrong. There is no way you're right"
"No, I know this. My cousin, who is a medic, told me that poison ivy has berries."
"Is your cousin a teacher?"
"Well, then he obviously can't be right."
This is a true story.

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