Saturday, November 14, 2009

Home again. Home again. Jiggity jig.

I ventured on home to take the Content Area Test this weekend. Cow. It was for real, man. I tried to briefly study, but to be honest it covered such a wide range of topics that my studying efforts weren't much help. I feel pretty ok about it? I'm not going to stress. La di da.

I had a great great great great day at school yesterday. I was able to spend the entire school day with the fourth graders. I had a complete "aha" moment that made me feel like my "stars are aligned" so to speak. It wasn't anything earth shattering. I was just taking the time out at the end of the day to talk to the students about how they were. At that moment, I could feel excitement swelling inside of me that I am actually going to be a teacher! My job will be teaching kiddos 180 days a year! I canNOT wait to student teach. Being able to be in the classroom at a fairly regular rate better illustrates what my life will be like as a teacher.....COMPLETELY AMAZING!

Here's a cute video to make you smile on this Saturday.

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