Thursday, November 19, 2009

Today is a pretty big day for Miss Ross. She has been cordially invited to join the kiddos of her class in the cafeteria for a turkey dinner!

Last week, one of the students asked, "Miss Ross, do you like roast turkey?"
To which I replied, "Well, of course!"
Everyday since, she has reminded me to bring money on Thursday to eat lunch.

I have oodles of things to do tonight! I need to tie up all the loose ends from practicum like getting things signed and evaluations filled out. I plan on writing cards to each of the kids individually so that may be quite a job. They are all such special students and they deserve to know!

I want to get something little for my cooperating teacher, but I am stumped. I don't want to get her something teacher related because I want this to be just for her. Any ideas?

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